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Regulating harvest, protection, and enhancement of fish populations

The Ocean Salmon and Columbia River Program (OSCRP) is responsible for evaluating and managing Oregon fish populations that cross international, federal, and interstate jurisdictions.

Sections within the OSCRP include:

Ocean Salmon Fisheries Management

The fisheries management sections are involved with U. S. v Oregon, Columbia River Compact, Pacific Fishery Management Council, Pacific Salmon Commission, and Klamath Fishery Management forums.

Columbia River Fisheries

Columbia River Fisheries is responsible for the management of the anadromous fish runs and fisheries of the Columbia River. CRM cooperatively develops harvest regulations with the State of Washington, federal agencies, the treaty Indian tribes, and in some cases the State of Idaho, that are compatible with the U. S. vs. Oregon Columbia River Fish Management Plan.

Columbia River Coordination

The Columbia River Coordination Section is responsible for working with other entities in multi-jurisdictional forums, and for collecting, coordinating, and disseminating information regarding Oregon’s fish populations and their habitats in the Columbia River Basin and other areas that cross jurisdictions. Section staff often represent the department in regional forums involving the Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Authority, the Northwest Power and Conservation Council, the Lower Columbia River Estuary Program, and others. Staff assist with recovery planning for listed salmonids in the Columbia River Basin, provide technical support to department and state policy makers, and represent the department on technical committees such as the Columbia River Basin lamprey Technical Workgroup. The Columbia River Investigations Program is part of the CRC section.


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