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Commercial and recreational marine fisheries

Sport groundfish management

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Bottomfish for 2025 Public Meeting Presentation (pdf)

Longleader FAQ (pdf)

What can I keep and how many? (pdf)

2023 Sport Bottomfish Newsletter



What about halibut?

P halibut head

Pacific halibut is managed separately from groundfish.

Halibut management

Annual bottomfish newsletters

Public meeting presentations (pdfs)

A public meeting is generally held during the summer to introduce the public to possible sport bottomfish (groundfish) seasons for the following year or two.

How regulations are developed

Federal regulations

Federal management of groundfish takes place on a two-year cycle. For example, federal sport fishing management measures (regulations) adopted in 2020 are effective from January 1, 2021, through December 31, 2022. ODFW normally hosts public meetings before federal regulations are adopted.

State regulations

At the state level, the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission annually establishes seasons, methods and bag limits for recreational and commercial fishing. The Commission can adopt regulations that are more restrictive than federal regulations but not less restrictive.

Stock assessments

A stock, or population, assessment is a scientific evaluation of the status and well-being of a fish stock. Few fish stocks on the West Coast have been fully assessed, primarily because adequate information is available only for a limited number of the stocks. Learn more at NOAA Fisheries

Management basics

The need to control sport fishery impacts on groundfish arises from one or more factors such as:

  • Decreasing fish populations
  • Escalating harvest
  • Uncertainty about the sustainability of a fishery
  • The need to share a quota among user groups

Various resource management tools are used to control sport impacts on groundfish in Oregon: daily bag limits, size limits, conservation area closures, and annual quotas.


Christian Heath
Project Leader
(541) 857-2531

Melanie Bukovec
Assistant Project Leader
(541) 857-2530


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