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Crab domoic acid 2017 rules advisory committee information
Purpose and goals of the ODA and ODFW rules advisory committee
Dungeness crab harvest is an economic and cultural centerpiece in Oregon, a keystone for Oregon’s popular seafood brand. Reliable and sustainable harvest is essential to maximizing the value of harvested crab to Oregon, and safe seafood management practices are essential for protecting the health of Oregonians. This rules advisory committee will help shape Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs) for the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) and ODFW to describe the management use of evisceration orders and harvest area closures, to address harmful algal bloom biotoxin detection in crab viscera, and to maximize both the protection of human health and the sustainable harvest during these events.
Goals: Advise the agencies over 2-3 meetings on rules and process describing under what conditions evisceration may be used for crab harvest and how to implement closures, when necessary. Conditions must maximize traceability of the live market to minimize risk of public exposure to biotoxins. This includes improving traceability for the purposes of communication with non-Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) plan required crab buyers and for the purposes of inventory evaluation for HACCP processors.
Rules advisory industry committee members
Andrew Bornstein
Bornstein Seafoods
Cari Brandberg
Living Pacific Seafood and Chelsea Rose Seafood
Robert Browning
FV Lady Lee
John Corbin
FV Buck & Ann; FV Southeast
Joshua Beers
BC Fisheries
Scott Kastengren
FV Sunset Charge
Mike Lane
FV Morning Star
Brian Nolte
FV Dynamik
Joel Purkey
FV Alice Faye
Port Orford
Dave Wright
Pacific Seafood
Justin Yager
FV Eddie & Rod; FV Sarah Belle
Committee member responsibilities include:
Participate in up to three, four-hour meetings on the Oregon Coast during the summer of 2017.
Remain in close communication with the industry sectors and geographic areas that they represent.
Convey the feedback from their communities to the advisory committee, ODA and ODFW.
4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE :: Salem, OR 97302 :: Main Phone (503) 947-6000 or (800) 720-ODFW [6339]
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