MARINE RESOURCES Commercial and sport marine fisheries
Derelict gear tag on crab pot registered through the Post-season Derelict Gear Recovery Program. Derelict gear tags should remain on pots unless sold back to their original owners.
All locations of derelict gear that are reported to ODFW will be posted and updated below. These reports are not independently verified. Gear retrievers should contact Jill Smith ( 503-934-3568 if they have any updates on the reported gear (i.e., they retrieved it or it is no longer there) so that we can update the files.
23-24 In-season Derelict Gear Reports (will get added when reports are received)
Why does Oregon have a post-season derelict gear recovery program?
In order to further incentivize removal of lost and abandoned crab gear from the ocean, the Oregon Dungeness Crab Commission supported House Bill 3262, which exempts crab pots from Oregon’s personal property law if they are recovered in a permitted recovery program at least 15 days after the end of season. This ultimately allows the permitted gear retrievers to decide what to do with any retrieved gear (i.e., keep, sell, etc.). Under the authority of HB 3262 the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission adopted regulations to allow the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife to issue Post-Season Derelict Gear Recovery Permits to commercially licensed vessels to retrieve derelict or abandoned gear post-season.
When does the program start?
Permits will be effective from August 30th through October 11th.
When can you apply for a permit?
Owners or operators of commercially licensed vessels can apply for a Post-Season Derelict Gear Recovery Permit at any time throughout the season, but the permits will not be issued until after August 24th. To apply for a permit please email or call Jill Smith ( 503-934-3568 or Kelly Corbett ( 541-270-5083.
What does a Post-Season Derelict Gear Recovery Permit allow you to do with retrieved gear?
Dungeness crab gear retrieved under the authority of a Post-Season Derelict Gear Recovery Permit may be disposed of at the permit holder’s discretion after documenting retrieval of the gear in accordance with permit conditions. Permitted gear retrievers are not required to sell or give back the gear to the previous owner; however, giving first right of refusal to the previous gear owner is strongly encouraged to continue to foster good relations within the commercial fishing community. All gear recovered by PSDGRP permitholders that is unmarked and unrepairable should be disposed of by the gear retrievers as soon as possible.
What are the conditions of a Post-Season Derelict Recovery Permit?
Failure of the vessel operator or crew to abide by the terms of the permit will result in termination of the permit and ability to participate in the program. The conditions of the permits this year will include:
Permit – The permit must be onboard the fishing vessel during all recovery operations and is not transferrable to any other vessel.
Notification – The vessel operator must notify ODFW at least 24-hours prior to the vessel leaving the dock to retrieve gear. Notifications must be given during regular business hours, Monday – Friday between the hours of 8AM – 5PM. The vessel operator must also notify ODFW at least 2 hours prior to returning to the dock following a gear recovery operation even if no gear was recovered during the trip. Notifications can be made by calling the notification number listed on the permit for the port where the retrieved gear will be landed.
Area – Recovery operations are restricted to Oregon state waters and the Pacific Ocean in federal waters south of an east-west line extending westward at 46º 15' 00" North Latitude (Oregon/Washington border) and north of an east-west line at 42º 00' 00" North Latitude (Oregon/California border).
Logbook – The vessel operator is responsible for maintaining a logbook in an accurate and truthful manner and in accordance with the instructions contained therein. Complete, legible and accurate data records must be collected and provided to ODFW approved staff upon returning with recovered gear. Additional log pages may be obtained from ODFW offices in Astoria, Newport, Charleston and Brookings or by making photocopies of a blank log page.
Gear registration – All gear recovered during permitted gear recovery must remain on the vessel and remain in the condition it was recovered until the gear is registered and tagged by ODFW approved staff. Tampering with recovered gear, including removing pot tags, buoys or other markings prior to registering the gear will result in termination of the permit. All completed post-recovery registration forms will be scanned in and posted on ODFW’s website to allow any previous gear owners interested in negotiating for their previously owned pots to contact retrieving vessels. Giving first right of refusal to the previous gear owner is strongly encouraged through this program to continue to foster good relations within the commercial fishing community.
Harvest prohibited - All crab and non-crab species taken with the retrieved gear must be immediately returned to the ocean.
Recreational crabbing and retrieval of recreational crab gear prohibited- recreational harvest of all crab species and retrieval of recreational crab gear is prohibited during retrieval trips.
What if you are unable to get your Dungeness crab gear out of the water before August 14th?
At any time during the season you can request a one-time waiver allowing retrieval of permitted Dungeness crab gear to shore by another crab permitted vessel, provided that undue hardship such as loss of the vessel, death or permanent disability has prevented retrieval of gear. Also, any vessel can request a one-time retrieval waiver to have another vessel help retrieve their gear out of the water the last two weeks of the season (August 1-14). To request a one-time retrieval waiver please call the ODFW Licensing office at 503.947.6116. Requests will be considered in a timely manner.
ODFW will consider requests for emergency exemptions from the gear recovery program for Dungeness crab gear that was unable to be retrieved by the permit holder, as a result of undue hardship (defined above). Requests for exemptions are requested to be submitted to the Marine Resources Program in Newport by August 20th. To apply for an exemption please email or call Jill Smith ( 503-934-3568 or Kelly Corbett ( 541-270-5083.
Where can you find information on derelict gear that was retrieved through the program?
All of the completed post-recovery registration forms will be posted on ODFW’s post season derelict gear webpage to allow any previous gear owners interested in negotiating for their retrieved pots to contact retrieving vessels themselves.
When can the derelict gear tag (see picture top right) be removed from the recovered pots?
The derelict gear retrieval tag should remain on the pot for the remainder of the life of that pot unless sold back to the original owner. We recommend that anyone buying pots that have come in through the program to get a bill of sale (whether the original owner or not) to document the purchase. A handwritten receipt signed by both parties that indicates the buyer, seller, item(s), and agreed upon price should be sufficient for a bill of sale.
What if you have locations of derelict gear?
Anyone can report the locations of any derelict gear after August 14th by contacting the number below. All reported locations of derelict gear will be posted on ODFW’s post-season derelict gear webpage. Gear retrievers should contact the number below if they have any updates on the reported gear (i.e. they retrieved it or it is no longer there) so that we can update the reports on the website.
What if you have more questions about the program?
4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE :: Salem, OR 97302 :: Main Phone (503) 947-6000 or (800) 720-ODFW [6339]
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