January 10th, 2024, 1:00pm-4:00pm
Location: Remote Connection Only Click here to join the meeting
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Meeting Materials:
Printable Agenda (pdf)
(DRAFT RFP) Spring 2024 Call for Proposals
Application - OCRF Project Proposal
OCRAC December 04 2023 Meeting Minutes_DRAFT
OCRFAC January 10th Presentation_Final (ppptx)
Members |
Resources |
- Dr.Karl Wenner (Chair, Klamath Mountains)
- MauricioValadrian (Vice Chair, at-large)
- MaretPajutee (East and West Cascades)
- JaneHartline (Willamette Valley)
- MarkStern (at-large)
- KellyTimchak (Nearshore and Coast Range)
- Dr.Sristi Kamal(at-large)
- LizaJane McAlister(Columbia Plateau & Blue Mountains Ecoregion)
- JimHammett(Northern Basin & Range)
- Commissioner Mark Labhart – Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission
- JennaMarmon - Oregon Parks and Recreation Dept
ODFW Staff:
- Reva Gillman, OCRF Coordinator, ODFW
- Sarah Reif, Habitat Division Administrator, ODFW
Guest Presentation:
- Jenny Koester, Ocean Acidification Policy Assistant Project Leader, Marine Resources Program, ODFW
- Dr. Leif Rasmusen, Marine Fishery Research Project Leader, Marine Resources Program, ODFW
Time |
Topic and Objectives |
Lead |
1:00 |
25 min |
00 |
Call to Order and OCRF MemberUpdates |
ChairWenner |
Objective 1: Roll call of members.
Objective 2: Members provide updates since last meeting. |
1:25 |
5 min |
01 |
Review and Approve Meeting Minutes |
Chair Wenner |
Objective 1: Review and approve minutes from December 4th, 2023.Motion on meeting summaries |
1:30 |
30 min |
02 |
Guest Presentation: The role of the Ocean Acidification Hypoxia Council and OCRF in Oregon's changing oceans |
Dr. Leif Rasmusen and Jenny Koester |
Objective 1: Representatives from Oregon's Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia (OAH) Council will provide a background of how OAH are affecting Oregon's oceans and how the OAH Council and OCRF can be involved in responding to these changes. |
2:00 |
30 min |
03 |
OCRF Budgeting and 2024 RFP Determinations |
Sarah Reif, and Reva Gillman |
Objective 1: Brief summary of OCRF budget and available funds
Objective 2: Group discussion about the Spring 2024 RFP |
2:30 |
10 min |
04 |
2:45 |
15 min |
05 |
OCRF Spring 2024 Grant Solicitation |
Reva Gillman |
Objective 1: Provide an overview of the process.
Objective 2: Timeline for the next RFP. |
2:55 |
5 min |
06 |
Public Comment |
All |
Objective: Invite members of the public to comment on today's agenda items or strategic priorities for the OCRF. |
3:00 |
10 min |
07 |
Meeting Wrap up & Next Steps |
Chair Wenner |
Objective: Summarize and identify outstanding decisions. |