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Oregon Conservation and Recreation Fund Coordination and Collaboration Workshop

(Drought and Resilience Planning for Oregon – Alignment of Funding and Actions)

August 1, 2022, 1:00pm-4:00pm

Informational only. View the livestream here on August 1st.

Meeting Materials:

Printable Agenda (pdf)


  1. Ensure that the Oregon Conservation & Recreation Advisory Committee members are aware of ongoing drought and ecosystem resilience programs being implemented throughout the state, and
  2. Facilitate a strategic discussion of how OCRF funds could fill gaps and leverage other programs to best address the impacts of drought on Oregon’s fish, wildlife, and their habitats.


Time Topic and Objectives Presenters
1:00 30 min 00 Welcome and Setting the Stage ODFW

Goal: Introductions and background on scope of the workshop

  • Round robin of Introductions [20min]
  • Presentation: Drought Funding Package for OCRF and format of workshop to help inform how to best prioritize/focus spend plan for the fund (Presenters: ODFW) [10min]

1:30 60 min 01 Related Programs, Grants, and Other Funding Sources for Drought and Climate Resilience Planning ODFW, OWEB

Goal: Share an overview of grant programs and direct program work (positions, priorities, etc.) related to drought and climate resilience (with focus on habitat restoration, drought package funding, post-fire recovery, private forest accord)

  • ODFW and OWEB each have roughly 20min to share info on their funding, programs, and grant opportunities.
  • Group Q/A with presenters

2:30 10 min 02 Break: [10min – includes buffer for late presentations]  
2:40 25 min 03 Opportunities and Gaps in Drought and Climate Resilience Funding Cailin O'Brien-Feeney, Chris Shirley

Goals: Incorporation of context of social and human dimension into drought and climate resilience.

  • Office of Outdoor Recreation - Governor's Task Force on Outdoor Recreation (presenter Cailin O'Brien-Feeney)
  • Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment (presenter Chris Shirley) each have 10min to discuss their work and related gaps/opportunities.

3:05 45 min 04 Reflections from OCRF Advisory Committee Members (45min – about 4min per OCRF Member) ODFW, OWEB, and OCRF Advisory Committee Members

Goals: Share perspectives of agency staff on gaps in drought and ecosystem resilience efforts that are not covered by the grant programs and direct program work.

  • Facilitated discussion with ODFW, OWEB, and OCRF Advisory Committee Members around areas of opportunity (greater alignment) and possible gaps/opportunities based on earlier presentations.

Note- OCRF Advisory Committee members will revisit this discussion and make recommendations on use of the OCRF drought funds at the upcoming, in-person strategic planning session.

3:50 10 min 05 Next Steps and Closing Remarks  

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