August 30, 2021, 3:00pm-4:30pm
Location: Online only.
Printable Agenda (pdf)
Meeting Materials (pdf)
Meeting Minutes (pdf)
Members |
Resources |
- Dr. Karl Wenner (Chair, Klamath Mountains)
- Mauricio Valadrian (Vice Chair, at-large)
- Tim Davis (Northern Basin & Range)
- Chris Hager (at-large)
- Maret Pajutee (East and West Cascades)
- Jane Hartline (Willamette Valley)
- Mark Stern (at-large)
- Kelly Timchak (Nearshore and Coast Range)
Non-voting members:
- Commissioner Mark Labhart – Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission
- Cailin O’Brien-Feeney - Director, Oregon Office of Outdoor Recreation
- Davia Palmeri, Conservation Policy Coordinator, ODFW
- Michelle Tate, Executive Assistant, ODFW
Time |
Topic and Objectives |
Lead |
3:00 |
10 min |
00 |
Call to Order, Introductions and Sharing |
Karl |
Objective: Get started and catch up with each other. |
3:10 |
5 min |
01 |
Review and Approve Meeting Minutes |
Karl |
Objective: Review and approve minutes from July 15 meeting. |
3:15 |
45 min |
02 |
Discuss Proposal for Green Jobs Training and Internship Program |
All |
Objective: Decide if the Committee will recommend expenditure from the OCRF to match private donations made for this project. |
4:00 |
15 min |
03 |
Agenda Development for October 6 Meeting |
Davia |
Objective: Committee Members share topic suggestions for the October meeting. |
4:15 |
15 min |
04 |
Public Comment |
- |
Adjourn |