Members |
Resources |
- Dr. Karl Wenner (Chair, Klamath Mountains)
- Mauricio Valadrian (Vice Chair, at-large)
- Tim Davis (Northern Basin & Range)
- Chris Hager (at-large)
- Maret Pajutee (East and West Cascades)
- Jane Hartline (Willamette Valley)
- Mark Stern (at-large)
- Kelly Timchak (Nearshore and Coast Range)
Non-voting members:
- Commissioner Mark Labhart – Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission
- Cailin O'Brien-Feeney - Director, Oregon Office of Outdoor Recreation
- Davia Palmeri, Conservation Policy Coordinator, ODFW
- Michelle Tate, Executive Assistant, ODFW
- Derek Broman, ODFW Carnivore Furbearer Coordinator
- Travis Shultz, ODFW Access & Habitat Program Coordinator
- Richard Heap, Restoration & Enhancement Board Chair
- Ana Meza, Rose Community Foundation
- Rich Hatfield, The Xerces Society
- Bob Bailey, The Elakha Alliance
- Renee Davis, OWEB
Time |
Topic and Objectives |
Lead |
9:00 |
15 min |
00 |
Call to Order, Introductions and Sharing |
Chair Wenner |
Objective: Get started and catch up with each other. |
9:15 |
5 min |
01 |
Review and Approve Meeting Minutes |
Chair Wenner |
Objective: Review and approve minutes from July 15 and August 30 meetings. |
9:20 |
20 min |
02 |
Current Funds Status |
Davia Palmeri |
Objective: Receive information on the status of fundraising, recent appropriations, and expenditures to date. |
9:40 |
20 min |
03 |
Future Committee Membership and Committee Management |
Davia Palmeri |
Objective 1: Share information on the status of Committee member appointments to this Committee
Objective 2: Review request from ODFW to fund a staff position to support the OCRF program. |
10:00 |
20 min |
04 |
Recommendations of Outdoor Recreation Task Force & Existing OPRD Programs/Funding Streams |
Cailin O’Brien-Feeney |
Objective: Consider the state’s outdoor recreation priorities and the existing funding opportunities. |
10:20 |
20 min |
05 |
OWEB – Wildfire Recovery Investments Update |
Renee Davis, OWEB |
Objective: Receive information from OWEB on upcoming funding and other opportunities related to recovery from the 2020 and 2021 fire seasons |
10 Minute Break |
10:50am |
10 min |
06 |
Grantee Update: Feasibility Study: Restoring Sea Otters to the Oregon Coast |
Bob Bailey, The Elakha Alliance |
Objective: Update from a recently completed OCRF project. |
11:00am |
20 min |
07 |
Access & Habitat Board |
Travis Schultz, ODFW A&H Coordinator |
Objective: Receive information on ODFW’s Access & Habitat Board’s funding priorities and existing work. |
11:20am |
20 min |
08 |
Restoration & Enhancement Board |
Invited: Rich Heap, Chair |
Objective: Receive information on ODFW’s Restoration & Enhancement Board’s funding priorities and existing work. |
11:40 am |
10 min |
09 |
Beaver Update and Research Needs |
Derek Broman, ODFW Carnivore & Furbearer Coordinator |
Objective: Receive information on the Fish and Wildlife Commission’s Beaver Management Working Group and ODFW staff recommendations for questions that could be address using OCRF funds. |
11:50 |
10 min |
10 |
Morning Reflections |
All |
Objective: Capture themes, ideas, and questions for future Committee discussion. |
2:00pm |
15 min |
11 |
Public Comment |
Objective: Invite members of the public to comment on today’s agenda items or strategic priorities for the OCRF. |
2:15 |
10 min |
12 |
OCRF Grantee Update: Western Bumblebee Atlas |
Rich Hatfield, The Xerces Society |
Objective: Update from a recently completed OCRF project. |
2:25pm |
10 min |
13 |
OCRF Grantee Update: Exploring Nature in Lents |
Invited: Ana Meza, Rose Community Development |
Objective: Update from a recently completed OCRF project. |
2:35 |
20 min |
14 |
Restoration & Enhancement Board |
Richard Heap, Chair |
Objective: Receive information on ODFW's Restoration & Enhancement Board's funding priorities and existing work. |
2:55 |
55 min |
15 |
ODFW Conservation Strategy Priorities |
Davia Palmeri |
ODFW Conservation Strategy Priorities |
3:50 |
30 min |
16 |
Preparing for OCRF Long Term Planning |
All |
Objective 1: Share observations about the conservation funding and conservation priorities discussed today.
Objective 2: Identify decisions to be made at next meeting. |
4:20pm |
10 min |
17 |
Meeting Wrap up & Next Steps |
Chair Wenner |
Objective: Adopt virtual meeting schedule for the foreseeable future. |