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Rusty Crayfish
Rusty Crayfish
–Photo courtesy of USGS–

Invasive Species - Crayfish Permit Frequently Asked Questions


Do I need a Permit?

Yes. This permit is used to authorize the importation, possession, purchase, or intrastate transport of non-native Crayfish in Oregon State for immediate consumption (OAR 635-056-0075).

How do I know what activities apply to my request and can I choose more than one?

Yes. This permit is used to authorize the importation, possession, purchase, or intrastate transport of non-native Crayfish in Oregon State for immediate consumption (OAR 635-056-0075).

What is the process for obtaining the Permit for live non-native Crayfish?

Crayfish must be obtained from an approved Crawfish suppliers outside Oregon and imported legally into the state through this permit. Non-native Crayfish must remain in an indoor secure facility and can only be removed when transporting for immediate preparation for consumption.

Permits may be applied for thru the ODFW Electronic Licensing System (ELS) here. The "Crayfish Transport Permit" application will be available in the online product catalog for purchase.  If the application is approved a copy of the permit will be emailed to the applicant and to the supplier.

I am a business, is there a different permit?

No, a business is required to follow the same permit process.

I am a non-resident can I apply for a permit?

No, permits are only available to residents of Oregon (OAR 635-010-0015).

What does the Permit cost?

The cost of the permit is $14.00, the charge will be incurred during the application process for the "Crayfish Transport Permit" through ELS.

When does the Permit expire?

The Permit expires 1 week from the date of event. Permit is authorized for immediate consumption (Immediate consumption means within one week from date of delivery).

Can I purchase, sell or release into the wild live non-native Crayfish in Oregon?

No. Non-native crayfish may be harvested, possessed and sold commercially pursuant to OAR 635-005-0855 through 635-005-0885 or harvest recreationally pursuant to ORS 496.162 from waters of the State as defined in ORS 503.006. Live non-native crayfish may not be used as bait except in the waterbody in which they were taken, and their gametes, fertilized eggs, or larvae may not be released into waters of the State.

Propagation is not allowed.

Can I apply for an addition Permit if I have already received one?

Yes, if you have already been issued a permit and it has expired, you may submit a new application for review.

What if I have more questions?

Please contact our Wildlife Division phone line at 503-947-6301.


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