The Oregon Hatchery Research Center (OHRC) Board was established in August 2013 in accordance with House Bill 3441. The Board consists of 15 members, including 12 voting members. The Board is charged with advising the OHRC Director on operational, budget and research priorities at the research center.
Peter Gruendike
Fish Habitat Restoration Representative |
Scott Starkey, Board Chair
Forest Products Industry Representative
Scott Starkey earned a BS degree in Forest Management and Wildlife from Purdue University then joined the US Army, graduated Office Candidate School and served a tour in Vietnam. He recently retired from a 43 year career in forest management and operations having worked for Weyerhaeuser, Menasha and Campbell at locations in Washington, Oregon, Borneo ,Indonesia with business travel in Japan and Brazil. He has had many years of service on the boards of OFIC (Oregon Forest Industry Council) and DTO (Douglas Timber Operators).
Yancy Lind
Wild Fish Advocacy Representative
Tom Alkire
Wild Fish Advocacy Representative
Tom is a retired Bloomberg news staff correspondent who covered Northwest environmental issues for more than 30 years. Also, he has published three books and dozens of magazine essays on rivers and fishing. He is a founding member of the Native Fish Society, Deschutes River Alliance, and The Conservation Angler.
Ted Simon
Agriculture Industry Representative
Ted is a 30-year resident of the State of Oregon and earned a B.F.A. from California State University. He farms 65 acres of hazelnuts in Yamhill County and also is an accomplished metal artist. He has been a life-long sport fisherman and developed a keen interest in fish hatchery management, engineering of fish entries to hatchery operations, maintenance and repair of tanks and spillways, and numerous hatchery construction projects while living on the Elk and South Coos Rivers. He now volunteers at area schools and local hatcheries. He has worked on a number of anadromous fisheries issue and served in an advisory capacity, as well as providing citizen input and recommendations, on predation and cormorant management issues in order to improve salmon and steelhead populations in coastal waterways. With an interest in fostering a symbiotic relationship between agricultural interests, local watersheds, and hatchery management, Ted is committed to protecting and sustaining ecosystems that will support wild salmon and steelhead stock in balance with hatchery stock, while also supporting Oregon agriculture.
Steve Jacobs
Independent Scientific Community Representative |
Travis Mackie
Oregon Indian Tribes Representative |
Dwight Collins
Oregon Salmon Commission |
Derek Wall
Columbia River Gillnet Salmon Fishery |
Chuck Pavlik, Vice Chair
Coastal Ports
Charles Pavlik is a 68 year old native Oregon resident. Some of his earliest memories are fishing with his father in the lakes and rivers throughout Oregon. He is president of the Central Coast Chapter of the C.C.A. (Coastal Conservation Association). He is a founding board member of the Alsea Sportsman Association, and a port Commissioner for the Port of Alsea. Charles believes it is very important to recognize the significance of the relationship between Pacific salmon and the economic well-being of the coastal ports of Oregon.
Federal Government Agencies Representative |
Carl B. Schreck
Oregon State University Representative
Dr. Carl Schreck graduated from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1966 with an A.B. in Zoology. Following a year’s study at Humboldt State University he attended Colorado State University where he received his M.S. in 1969 in Fisheries Science and his Ph.D. in 1972 in Physiology and Biophysics and Fisheries Science.
After receipt of his Ph.D. he was an Assistant Professor at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. In 1975 he became the Assistant Leader of the Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and an Assistant Professor at Oregon State University. Two years later he became the Leader of that Unit and still serves in that capacity for the Biological Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey where he is a Senior Scientist. He is also a Full Professor in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at OSU. His research has focused primarily on salmonids. He applies environmental physiology and behavior to address environmentally relevant questions. Professional recognition includes:
Presidential Meritorious Professional Service Award, White House 2007/08
Meritorious Service Award, Secretary the Interior (2003)
Educator of the Year Award, American Fisheries Society (2000)
Excellence for Graduate Mentoring Award, Oregon State University (2013)
Award of Excellence, American Fisheries Society (2009)
Award of Excellence in Fish Physiology, American Fisheries society (2012)
Award of Excellence, Western Division American Fisheries Society (2007)
Fishery Worker of the Year, Oregon Chapter American Fisheries Society (2004)
Distinguished Professor, College of Agricultural Sciences, Oregon State University (2010)
Twice Earle Price Award for Excellence in Research, Oregon State University (1991, 2013)
Howard Bern Lectureship, Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology (2010)
Directors Award for Research Excellence, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (1991)
Directors Award for Unit Management, U.S.G.S (2001)
Twice winner of the William F. Thompson Award, American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists (1980 and 1989)
Others with students and colleagues.
Approximately 80 M.S. and Ph.D. theses supervised to date.
Appointed Senior Scientist (ST) by the U.S. Department of Interior
He served on the Governor’s Coastal Salmon Science Team to develop recovery plans for at risk salmon and trout for the federal listing process. He is now serving his third four year term as a member of the Independent Multidisciplinary Science Team for the State of Oregon, being appointed by the Governor, Speaker of the House and President of the Senate. He has been elected Co-Chair of the IMST for the last six years. The IMST serves to provide scientific oversight of issues related to salmonid recovery measures and restoration of watershed health.
He is in his third four-year term as President of the International Federation of Fish Endocrinologists. He has served on the editorial boards of The Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, Copeia, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, General and Comparative Endocrinology,and Aquaculture, and as Editor for “The Environment” for the journalDiseases of Aquatic Organisms. Dr. Schreck has also served as a Visiting Full Professor at the University of Jos, Nigeria.
Publications: Dr. Schreck has authored over 280 refereed scientific articles and books.
Shaun Clements
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Representative |
Anna Le
Sport Angler Representative
Randall Brummett
Sport Angler Representative