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New public fishing dock on Lake Lytle opens for use

April 17, 2012

The new fishing dock at Lake Lytle. (Click images to enlarge)

ROCKAWAY BEACH, Ore. — The Rockaway Beach Lions and Lioness clubs will host a grand opening at 9 a.m. Saturday, April 21 to christen a new public fishing dock at Lake Lytle on the Oregon coast. The event will take place at the dock, which is located on the shore of Lake Lytle next to U.S. Highway 101 at Milepost 50.

“We’re pleased to be able to open this kind of facility to the public,” said Ron Rehn, Salmon Trout Enhancement Program (STEP) biologist for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife’s North Coast Watershed District. “This is a high quality dock that is going to provide excellent access and more opportunity to recreational fishermen for years to come.”

Construction of the steel-reinforced dock was funded through grants from the Oregon Restoration and Enhancement Fund, Oregon Wildlife Heritage Foundation, Loren Parks and the Rockaway Beach Lions and Lioness clubs. Additional assistance was provided by ODFW’s North Coast STEP program, the City of Rockaway Beach, Tillamook Anglers, and Tillamook County Parks and Public Works. ODFW will operate the new dock under a conditional use permit issued by the City of Rockaway Beach. Maintenance will be provided by the Lions, Lionesses and City of Rockaway Beach.

The partners began working on this project in December 2010 after it became apparent that a previous dock had become badly worn and simply needed to be replaced.

“We appreciate the way our partners stepped up to make this project a success,” said Rehn.

Lake Lytle is a 65-acre lake located 1/2 mile north of Rockaway Beach on Hwy. 101 The lake sits directly along the east edge the highway and is a popular still water fishery. Species at Lake Lytle include stocked hatchery-reared rainbow trout, largemouth bass, yellow perch, and surplus hatchery steelhead when available.

The lake will be stocked with 3,000 rainbow trout just prior to Saturday’s grand opening. The Rockaway Beach Lions and Lioness clubs will provide free hot dogs and soda for those attending the event.



Ron Rehn (503) 842-2741

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