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ODFW Wildlife Biologist Nick Myatt holds a burrowing owl that was banded as part of a research project to better understand migration routes and wintering areas of the species. ODFW photo. (Click image to enlarge)

Burrowing Owls are the subject of a presentation on May 9 in Portland

Friday, April 23, 2012

PORTLAND, Ore. — Oregon Wildlife (Oregon Wildlife Heritage Foundation) invites you to learn about Oregon’s burrowing owls in the final presentation of the 2011-12 Discovering Wildlife Lecture Series. The presentation will be held on Wednesday, May 9 at 6 p.m. at the Ecotrust Building in Portland’s Pearl District.

Nick Myatt, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife biologist, will discuss the burrowing owl and its life history, factors influencing its decline in Oregon and across the west, and research investigating the migration of burrowing owls using state-of-the-art geolocators. Burrowing owls are the only North American owls that live underground.

This presentation will be held at the Billy Frank Jr. Conference Center of the Ecotrust Building in Portland’s Pearl District, 721 NW Ninth Avenue, Portland. Admission is free, but registration is required. Register online at the Foundation’s website,

For more information or questions, contact the Foundation at (503) 255-6059.

Oregon Wildlife supports projects to protect, restore, and provide access to Oregon’s wildlife and outdoor resources.  Since its founding, Oregon Wildlife has directed millions of dollars in funding to fish, wildlife and habitat projects throughout Oregon. Oregon Wildlife and ODFW are working together to implement the Oregon Conservation Strategy, a blueprint and action plan for the long-term conservation of Oregon’s native fish and wildlife and their habitats.




Tim Greseth, Oregon Wildlife executive director, (503) 255-6059
Meg Kenagy, ODFW Conservation Communications coordinator, (503) 947-6021

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