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Public asked to help shape sport halibut season

Feb. 1, 2012

NEWPORT – Oregon fishermen will hear the details of an increase in Pacific halibut quota for 2012 and help determine the number and dates of openings in the spring all-depth fishery at two public meetings: one on the coast and one in the valley.

The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife’s first meeting on this year’s Pacific halibut sport season open dates will be 7 to 9 p.m. Monday, Feb. 13, at the Holiday Inn Express, 135 SE 32nd St., Newport (South Beach). A second meeting will be in Salem from 7 to 9 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 15 at ODFW Headquarters, Commission Room, 3406 Cherry Avenue NE, Salem.

“Area 2A (the West Coast of the U.S.) received an 8.7 percent increase in quota over last year,” said Lynn Mattes, halibut project leader for ODFW. “That’s the highest quota we’ve had since 2008.”

Mattes returned from the International Pacific Halibut Commission annual meeting last week, where the annual allowable catch for the West Coast is set. She will present quotas and possible open season dates for Oregon’s all-depth sport halibut fishery between Cape Falcon and Humbug Mountain.

ODFW will hear comments regarding the number and dates of the spring (May to July) all-depth fixed dates between Cape Falcon and Humbug Mountain, and back-up dates for the spring fishery in case quota remains after the fixed dates. People may also comment on the dates for the summer (August to October) all-depth season.

If you have questions or want to provide comments without attending the meeting, please contact Lynn Mattes at 541-867-0300 ext. 237or by email: or Patrick Mirick at 541-867-0300 ext. 223 or by email: The fax number is 541-867-0311.




Brandon Ford ( or Lynn Mattes ( (541) 867-4741

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