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Union County hunter education field day on July 8

June 26, 2012

LA GRANDE, Ore.—Be ready for this fall’s hunting season and sign up for the July 8 hunter education field day, from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. at the La Grande Trap Club, 203 Gun Club Road.

Register by purchasing a $10 hunter education class application fee at ODFW’s license sales site and entering the class number (#5841 for Union County July 8 field day). The purchaser will need the student’s Hunter/Angler ID# (ODFW ID#, printed on all ODFW licenses) or choose “New Customer” if the student has never had a license document. Be sure to include the student’s or parent/caregiver’s phone number and email address during this process so hunter education instructors can get in touch with course announcements.

“We’ve had a lot of calls asking for field days in Union County, so we want to be sure kids are aware of this class,” said James Reed, ODFW hunter education coordinator. “It could be the only one offered in Union County before the fall hunting season so sign up now.”

Field days are for students that have already completed the rest of the hunter education course using the independent study workbook or the online course. Students that took the online course should bring their Oregon Field Day Qualifier Certification to the field day. Students that used the workbook should bring a completed workbook.

Hunter education registration moved online in December 2011. All conventional hunter education and field day classes can now be viewed online. New classes are added as they become available.

Hunter education is mandatory for all hunters under the age of 18 and recommended for any new hunter. The course covers topics like firearms safety, hunter ethics, wildlife identification, hunt preparation and techniques and outdoor survival. The program certifies about 6,000 new hunters each year. Classes are taught by ODFW’s network of volunteer hunter education instructors.


Michelle Dennehy
(503) 947-6022

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