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Hatchery research center Advisory Committee looks for new members

March 5, 2012

Alsea, Ore – The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and Oregon State University are seeking five new members for the Oregon Hatchery Research Center Advisory Committee.

Five positions, one each representing federal government, conservation, science-at-large, education K-12 and public-at-large, are currently open with duties running from May 2012 through April 2015. If reappointed, subsequent term(s) will be three years.

Candidates must submit a letter of interest by March 30, 2012. The letter should specify why the applicant is interested and provide three verifiable references. ODFW and OSU representatives will finalize their selections by May 1, 2012.

The 15-member committee advises the OHRC Senior Scientist on activities and functions related to the operation and maintenance of the OHRC. Committee members represent the federal government, local governments, conservation groups, sport fishing groups, the commercial fishing industry, tribes, resource producers (agriculture, timber and gravel), watershed councils and education. Two members represent the public-at-large and four represent the scientific community.

The committee meets quarterly, with 2012 meetings scheduled for March 12, June 11, Sept. 17, and Dec. 10.

The OHRC is a cooperative research project between ODFW and OSU. The center’s mission is to develop an understanding of the mechanisms that may create differences between hatchery and wild fish, and devise ways to reduce and manage the differences so that hatcheries can be used responsibly in the conservation and management of Oregon’s native fish.

For more information about the Advisory Committee or how to submit a letter of interest, please contact Margaret Cleveland at or 503-947-6230. For more information about the OHRC, visit OHRC’s Web site at




Margaret Cleveland (503) 947-6230
Jessica Sall (503) 947-6023

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