October 3, 2012
SALEM, Ore. —ODFW’s Access and Habitat Board will hold a teleconference meeting on Monday, October 15 beginning at 9 a.m.
Members of the public are welcome to call in and listen to the meeting. Contact Matt Keenan at (503) 947-6087 / Matthew.T.Keenan@state.or.us for teleconference phone number and access code. An opportunity for public comment will be provided at 9:30 a.m.
The A and H Program funds projects that provide hunter access and/or improve wildlife habitat on private land in Oregon. The A and H Program is funded primarily by a $4 surcharge on hunting licenses and big game auction and raffle tag sales. More information about the A&H Program can be found at www.dfw.state.or.us/lands/AH |