September 4, 2012
SALEM, Ore. — ODFW is seeking a hunter representative for the Access and Habitat Program's Malheur Regional Advisory Council. Individuals living in the region with an interest and experience in hunting, wildlife conservation, forestry, and/or farming are encouraged to apply.
The region is Malheur and Harney counties, southeast Lake County and southern Grant County. See this map for details.
Applications need to be submitted by email or mail to ODFW’s Ontario office by Nov. 1, 2012. Download the Regional Advisory Council Membership Application at the A and H website. Submission directions are on the application. For more information or for application materials contact Tom Segal at (541) 889-6975.
This is a volunteer position and duties include participation in about four public meetings per year to review A and H project proposals and conduct other council business. Meetings may require some travel to various southeastern Oregon communities. Applicants should be willing and able to work collaboratively with landowners, sportsmen's groups, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife staff, and representatives of other government agencies to facilitate the A and H Program.
Created by the Oregon Legislature in 1993, the A and H Program is funded primarily by a $4 surcharge on hunting licenses. Funds raised by the program are distributed through grants awarded to individual and corporate landowners, sport groups, and others to cooperatively fund wildlife habitat improvement and hunter access projects in the state.
There are six regional A and H advisory councils within Oregon that serve as the initial review body for A and H grant proposals submitted within their region. The state A and H Board provides the next level of review, taking into account the advisory council’s recommendations. Approved projects are then forwarded to the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission for final review and funding approval. Each advisory council is composed of seven members, including three landowner representatives, three hunter representatives and one public-at-large representative.
For additional information on the A and H Program visit the Web site at |