September 6, 2012
Update Oct. 1, 2012: Several youth deer hunts are still available. ODFW will accept applications on a first-come, first-serve basis until all slots are filled. Follow the directions on the form.
CENTRAL POINT, Ore.—ODFW’s Access and Habitat Program and the C2 Ranch are offering 34 hunters the chance to hunt deer on the ranch’s 9,500-acre property near Medford this fall.
Hunters can apply for one of the following hunts:
Adult Archery Deer Late Season – Nov. 10 – Dec. 2
2-day hunt – six hunters will be drawn
Youth Deer (Must possess a 630T Rogue Youth Deer Tag ) - Dec. 15 – Jan. 2
1-day hunt – 28 youth hunters will be drawn
Apply using this online form (pdf) and follow the directions. Applications can be emailed, faxed or mailed but must be received by 5 p.m. Sept. 27, 2012.
It is free to apply and free to hunt on the C2 Ranch for the hunters that win the opportunity. All winners are still responsible for purchasing a hunting license and the appropriate deer tag. (To apply for the youth deer hunt, applicants must have drawn the 630T youth deer tag.) Winners will need to contact the ranch to set up a hunting time.
The A and H Program funds projects that provide hunter access and/or improve wildlife habitat on private land in Oregon. The A and H Program is funded primarily by a $4 surcharge on hunting licenses, big game auction and raffle tag sales. |