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A bright outlook for ocean salmon seasons

April 12, 2013

PORTLAND, Ore. – The proposed 2013 ocean salmon seasons announced by the Pacific Fishery Management Council this week include good news for sport and commercial anglers off the Oregon coast.

Recreational and commercial troll chinook salmon fishing on the central and south coast looks especially good thanks to strong returns to the Sacramento and Klamath rivers. Anglers on the north coast also can expect good returns of chinook to the Columbia River but quotas will be similar to last year.

In addition, there will be a two week recreational season for fin-clipped chinook North of Cape Falcon starting early in June.

“We’re hoping for a season that provides plenty of opportunity for folks to get out on the water and hook a salmon,” said Steve Williams, ODFW deputy administrator for Fish Division. “A solid salmon season could be a real economic shot in the arm for coastal communities.”

Sport anglers and commercial troll fishermen already have been fishing along the Oregon Coast south of Cape Falcon, and have been reporting good success from Newport to Bandon, according to Chris Kern, ODFW salmon manager.

“All the signs are pointing towards a very good chinook season,” he said.

Summary of the Ocean Seasons Adopted by PFMC:

  • North of Cape Falcon to Leadbetter Pt., Washington
    • Recreational season for hatchery fin-clipped chinook from June 8-21 (8,000 coastwide quota).
    • Recreational season for all salmon from June 22-Sept. 30 with a 2 fish limit, of which only 1 can be a chinook and all coho must be fin-clipped.  Quota of 37,380 coho with a 9,900 chinook guideline.
    • Commercial troll salmon seasons and quotas very similar to last year. Seasons will start on May 1 for chinook and July 1 for hatchery coho and should continue through mid-September
  • South of Cape Falcon
    • Sport chinook from Cape Falcon south to Humbug Mt. open March 15 through Oct. 31, and from Humbug Mt. to the OR/CA border open May 1 through Sept. 8.
    • Sport fin-clipped coho open July 1-31 (quota of 10,500 coho) from Cape Falcon south to OR/CA Border
    • Sport non-selective coho in September (Sept. 1-2 and each Thurs-Sat) with a quota of 16,000.  Open from Cape Falcon south to Humbug Mt.
    • Commercial troll chinook salmon seasons from Cape Falcon to Humbug Mt. that provides for full fishing from April 1 through Aug.29, and fall fishing with weekly trip limits from Sept. 4 through Oct. 31.
    • Commercial troll chinook salmon seasons from Humbug Mt. to OR/CA border from April 1 through May 31 without trip limits or quotas, followed by June, July, August, and September seasons managed by quota with daily trip limits.
The regulations adopted by the Pacific Fishery Management Council this week cover ocean waters from three to 200 miles from the state’s shore. In May, the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission will be asked to consider concurrent regulations for Oregon’s territorial water that extend three miles from the shoreline. Fisheries that begin May 1 will open under temporary regulations. The regulations must also be approved by the National Marine Fishery Service and the Secretary of Commerce.


Eric Schindler (541) 867-0300 ext. 252
Chris Kern (971) 673-6031
Jessica Sall (503) 947-6023

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