January 17, 2014
NEWPORT – Halibut anglers will hear the details of the Pacific halibut sport quota for 2014 and have the opportunity to weigh in on open dates in the Central Coast Subarea spring all-depth halibut fishery at a public meeting in Newport on Jan. 29.
The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan.29, at the Holiday Inn Express, 135 SE 32nd St., Newport (South Beach). Attendees will be asked to comment on the spring (May to July) all-depth fixed dates between Cape Falcon and Humbug Mountain, back-up dates for the spring fishery (in the event quota remains after the fixed dates are completed), and the dates for the summer (August to October) all-depth season.
“We know that the sport halibut fishery is important to anglers, so their input is very important to ensure we have a good season structure,” said Lynn Mattes, halibut project leader for ODFW.
At the meeting ODFW staff also will report on the recent annual meeting of the International Pacific Halibut Commission, where the annual quota for the West Coast was set.
For those who cannot attend in person, presentation materials and an online survey will be available Jan. 24-31 on the ODFW sport halibut webpage. If you have questions or want to provide additional comments without attending the meeting, please contact Lynn Mattes at 541-867-0300 ext. 237or by email: lynn.mattes@state.or.us or Patrick Mirick at 541-867-0300 ext. 223 or by email: Patrick.P.Mirick@state.or.us. The fax number is 541-867-0311.
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