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Family fishing event at St. Louis Ponds Oct. 11

Oct. 6, 2014

Family Fishing
Traci Meredith helps her son Barrett fish for trout during an Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife family fishing event.
-Photo by Rick Swart/ODFW-

CLACKAMAS, Ore. — The Oregon Department of fish and Wildlife will host a free family fishing event Saturday, Oct. 11 at St. Louis Ponds near Woodburn from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

To ensure than everyone has an opportunity to catch fish, ODFW will release 1,700 rainbow trout, including 400 one-pounders, trucked to the site from Leaburg hatchery. The fish will likely be split between Ponds 1, 3 and 6, according to Fulop.

In addition to stocked trout, the ponds contain several species of resident warmwater fish, including largemouth bass, catfish, bluegill, crappie, perch and sunfish.

St. Louis Ponds is a 54-acre complex of seven ponds jointly owned and managed by ODFW and Marion County Parks. The site provides easy access to the ponds via ADA-accessible trails and ADA-accessible fishing platforms.
ODFW will provide everything people need to go fishing – rods, reels, tackle and bait, on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last. Experienced instructors will be on site to answer questions, help participants set up their gear, demonstrate effective fishing techniques, and even take care of their catch.

People who want to bring their own fishing gear are welcome to do so.

This one of two free family fishing events in the Willamette Valley this month. The other is set for Saturday, Oct. 18 at Mt. Hood Pond, which is located on the Mt. Hood Community College campus in Gresham.

Some anglers will need a license and others won’t. Under Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations, anglers ages 13 and under can fish for free without a license while those 14-17 will need to have a juvenile angling license, which are available for $9 at ODFW’s website (, offices and license agents. Adult anglers will need a regular or one-day license. Licenses will not be sold on site the day of the event so people planning to participate should get their licenses ahead of time.

St. Louis Ponds is located 13 miles north of Salem and west of Interstate 5. To get to there from I-5, take the Woodburn exit. Then go east to Hwy. 99E. At Hwy. 99E, head south to Gervais Road. Go west on Gervais Road through the town of Gervais. The road eventually changes to St Louis Road. Continue west on St Louis Road as it crosses over I-5 to Tesch Road, at the railroad crossing. Go left on Tesch Road and follow the signs to the ponds.


Jeff Fulop (971) 673-6034
or Rick Swart (971) 673-6038

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