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Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission names finalists for agency director
Q&A session with ODFW director candidates, meeting Feb. 12-13 in Salem

February 6, 2015

SALEM, Ore.—Join the Fish and Wildlife Commission at a question and answer session with the finalists for ODFW’s director position at ODFW Headquarters (4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE, Salem) on Thursday, Feb. 12 from 9 – 10:30 a.m.

The finalists for the director position are:

  • Edward Bowles, Fish Division Administrator, ODFW;
  • Curtis Melcher, Interim Director, ODFW; and
  • Krystyna Wolniakowski, former Director, Western Partnership Office, National Fish & Wildlife Foundation

The public is invited to attend the question and answer session with the finalists.  Questions for the candidates may be submitted in person from 9-9:20 a.m. at ODFW Headquarters on Feb. 12, or submitted by email to no later than Feb. 11 at 3 p.m. A representative sampling of the questions will be selected by the Department of Administrative Services, and the same questions will then be asked of each of the candidates. The question and answer session will last from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, Feb. 12.

The search for a new ODFW director is being coordinated by the Oregon Department of Administrative Services. The Fish and Wildlife Commission will make the final selection. Background information about the final candidates is available on the ODFW website at

Those wishing to provide comments on the Commission’s hiring decision should submit their comments by email to or by mail to ODFW Director’s Office, 4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE, Salem, OR 97302-1142. Comments must be received by 1 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 12 in order to be considered by the Commission.

On Friday, Feb. 13, the Commission will hold its regular monthly meeting, also at ODFW Headquarters, beginning at 8 a.m. See the meeting agenda here

During Friday’s meeting, the Commission will interview director candidates in an Executive Session, not open to the public, held pursuant to ORS 192.660(2)(a). Any final decision of the Commission will be made outside of the Executive Session, in the public portion of the meeting. The Commission may, or may not, make a final decision on Friday, Feb. 13.

The question and answer session and the Commission meeting will be streamed live on ODFW’s website at

In other business at the meeting, the Commission will be asked to amend rules for ODFW’s annual art contests for habitat conservation, waterfowl and upland game bird stamps for consistency between the three contests (on submission guidelines, due dates, prize award amounts) and to place the rules in the same administrative rule division.

Commissioners will also be briefed on the Mule Deer Initiative, an effort to address Oregon’s declining mule deer populations through habitat improvement, predator and travel management and other strategies.

The Commission is the policy-making body for fish and wildlife issues in the state. People wanting to testify about issues not on the formal agenda may do so by making arrangements with the ODFW Director’s Office, at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting, by calling 800-720-6339 or 503-947-6044. Testimony for issues not on the agenda is held Friday morning, immediately following the expenditure report.

Reasonable accommodations will be provided as needed for individuals requesting assistive hearing devices, sign language interpreters or large-print materials. Individuals needing these types of accommodations may call the ODFW Director’s Office at 800-720-6339 or 503-947-6044 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.




Roger Fuhrman
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
(503) 947-6010

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