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Become an ODFW volunteer fishing instructor

February 13, 2015

SALEM, Ore. – The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife will host an Angler and Aquatic Education Instructor training on Saturday, March 7 at ODFW Headquarters, 4034 Fairview Industrial Dr. SE.

The training, which will go from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., is free and open to anyone 18 years or older who is interested in becoming a volunteer fishing instructor.

“Our volunteer instructors are an important part of our efforts to introduce more families to the joys of fishing,” said Shahab Farzanegan, ODFW Aquatic and Angling Education coordinator. “They are involved in ODFW-sponsored family fishing events, after-school fishing clubs and other programs.”

The volunteer training will introduce participants to the program curriculum, which includes basic fishing skills, stewardship, aquatic resources and water safety. Participants also will learn about volunteer opportunities in their area.

“With this year’s ODFW Family Fishing Events beginning in just a few weeks, this is a great time to learn how you can participate as an instructor,” Farzanegan said.

Lunch will be provided, and pre-registration is required by March 3. To register, or for more information, contact Darlene Sprecher at (503) 947-6025 or by e-mail at




Shahab Farzanegan (503) 947-6017

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