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ODFW plans new youth fishing pond on Spring Creek property

April 7, 2016

BEND, Ore. – The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife wants to turn a non-operational fish hatchery site near Camp Sherman into a youth fishing destination.

The agency is hosting a meeting to talk about their plans to create a small fishing pond and small parking area on the 15-acre property on Spring Creek. The public meeting is on Monday, April 18 at the Camp Sherman Community Hall and begins at 6:30 p.m.

According to Jen Luke, ODFW fish biologist in Bend, the half-acre pond would be stocked with rainbow trout and open only to anglers 17-years-old and younger. In addition, the pond could be used for smolt acclimation and egg hatchboxes as part of the effort to re-introduce Chinook salmon to the Metolius, upper Deschutes and Crooked River basins

“We think a small, youth-only fishing pond would strike the right balance between creating a new fishing opportunity while maintaining the natural environment of the site,” said Luke. “This is the perfect project to be funded by a Restoration and Enhancement grant.”

The Restoration and Enhancement Program (R and E) is grant program that provides $2-3,000,000 per year to fishery projects throughout Oregon. The grant program was established June 29, 1989, when the Oregon Fisheries Restoration and Enhancement Act was signed into law.




Jennifer Luke, 541-388-6366

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