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Spring Chinook fishery to open on Powder River

June 7, 2016

La GRANDE, Ore. — The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife plans to release approximately 150 spring Chinook salmon into the Powder River to create a unique fishing opportunity for anglers. A season has been established to harvest these fish June 8 - Sept. 1. The open area is from Hughes Lane Bridge near Baker City to Mason Dam. The daily bag limit is four spring Chinook.

The salmon will be released immediately below Mason Dam. The release is tentatively planned for June 9. Actual release dates will depend on fish availability and trapping conditions at Hells Canyon Dam. Interested anglers should contact the ODFW Northeast Region Office at (541) 963-2138 to confirm fish release dates.

This opportunity is due to an anticipated fair return of spring Chinook returning to Hells Canyon Dam on the Snake River, according to Tim Bailey, ODFW district fish biologist. Salmon smolts are released at Hells Canyon Dam to provide fisheries in the Snake River. When salmon numbers are determined by the fishery co-managers to be in excess of this need, some salmon are trapped at Hells Canyon Dam and transported to tributaries to provide unique fishing opportunities.

Anglers are reminded to “ask first” before entering private lands.




Tim Bailey 541-962-1829

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