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Volunteer training Sept. 18 at Salmon River Hatchery

August 29, 2016

NEWPORT, Ore. — ODFW will host a training for those who want to volunteer for the Fall Chinook program at Salmon River Hatchery on Sunday, Sept. 18 at 10 a.m.

The training will last 4-6 hours, and lunch will be provided. ODFW is also recruiting volunteer leaders to help staff manage volunteers and collect detailed scientific data. Volunteer leaders must attend the Sept. 18 training at Salmon River Hatchery, including the afternoon session that will focus on volunteer leader duties and responsibilities. Volunteer leaders must be able to contribute at least one shift per week during the season.

In 2015, Salmon and Trout Enhancement Program volunteers contributed over 500 hours at the Salmon River Hatchery and were responsible for the distribution of adult Chinook salmon to 13 Oregon food share organizations.

ODFW will continue and expand this volunteer program into its second year and needs 11-20 volunteers a day from mid-September through mid-November. There will be 4-hour morning and afternoon shifts each day, and job duties range from light-duty to physically demanding. Volunteers will sign-up for shifts through and be notified of schedule changes by email. Accommodations can be made for those without reliable internet access.

Additional information about the volunteer program can be obtained at or by contacting Christine Clapp at or 541-265-8306x253.

The Salmon River Hatchery is located at 575 N. North Bank Rd. Otis, Oregon. Please contact Christine Clapp if you plan to attend volunteer training. RSVP is encouraged, but not required.




Christine Clapp (541) 265-8306, ext. 253

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