September 23, 2016
SALEM, Ore. – Oregon clammers can learn about bay clam populations in Siletz Bay at a presentation by Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife shellfish biologists on October 6 at the Lincoln City Cultural Center at 540 NE Highway 101 in Lincoln City. The presentation will begin at 6:30 p.m.
The purpose of the presentation is to share results from the 2015 survey of Siletz Bay’s clam populations, including where they are found, their abundance, and their preferred habitat. The presentation will focus on clam species that are popular with recreational clammers, especially purple varnish clams.
The survey of Siletz Bay was conducted by the ODFW Shellfish and Estuarine Assessment of Coastal Oregon (SEACOR) team, which documents populations of recreationally important bay clams along the Oregon Coast. Information gathered by the SEACOR project is used by clammers, biologists, and resource managers, and provides a baseline for monitoring future changes in the estuary. Funding for this research comes from recreational shellfish license dollars.
Details about the SEACOR program and study results for this and other bays can be found at
For more information about the meeting or the work of the shellfish assessment project please contact the ODFW Marine Resources Program office, 541-867-4741 or email
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