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Commission briefed on Wolf and Cougar Management Plan reviews

October 7, 2016

LA GRANDE, Ore.—The Fish and Wildlife Commission was briefed on the status of reviews underway for Oregon’s Wolf and Cougar Management Plans at its meeting in La Grande today.

The Commission heard from several stakeholders regarding their concerns about the Cougar Management Plan. The review process for the Cougar Management Plan is not meant to completely rewrite the plan, but to incorporate the latest science and address any new challenges. A draft Plan will be available next year (2017).

Similarly, the Commission was also briefed on the Wolf Management Plan review during Friday’s meeting. ODFW discussed several policy issues raised during the current review based on meetings and input from staff, stakeholder groups and some state and federal agencies. The Commission also heard public testimony from 53 people signed up to testify. ODFW staff will continue their discussion with agencies, Tribes and stakeholders and expects to return to the Commission in December with a draft updated Plan. Final adoption of an updated Wolf Management Plan won’t happen until 2017. 

The Commission also approved several Access and Habitat projects meant to provide hunting access to private land, including the Hancock Forest Project which provides access to 250K acres in northeast Oregon.

The Commission is the policy-making body for fish and wildlife issues in Oregon. It usually meets monthly. The next meeting is Nov. 9 in Salem.




Michelle Dennehy
Oregon Fish and Wildlife
(503) 931-2748

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