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Free Fishing Weekend festivities include event at Trojan Ponds

April 18, 2017

CLACKAMAS, Ore. — The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife will host a free family fishing event at Trojan Pond on Saturday, April 22 from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Designed for kids and their families to learn about fishing, ODFW and will provide everything a family needs to catch hard-fighting rainbow trout, including the trout. As with all ODFW Family Fishing Events, biologists will stock the pond with hatchery-reared rainbow trout just prior to the event. Staff and volunteer angler education instructors will be on site to hand out free loaner gear, bait, and instruction – all free of charge while supplies last.

“Trojan Ponds is an idyllic setting for a day of getting outside and fishing with the kids,” said Jeff Fulop, family fishing event coordinator for ODFW’s North Willamette Watershed District. “We want to make this as fun and easy as possible for everyone.”

The event is open to the public, and no pre-registration is required. Fishing licenses are not required, either, because April 22 is the first of several free fishing days in Oregon this year authorized by the state legislature. Additional free days are scheduled for April 23, June 3-4, and Nov. 25-26. On these days, Oregonians and visitors can fish, crab and clam for free anywhere in Oregon without a license, tag or endorsement.

Trojan Pond is one of more than 350 water bodies in Oregon that ODFW regularly stocks with trout. Persons interested in fishing can explore many other opportunities by perusing ODFW’s stocking schedules, maps, guides and other resources at ODFW’s website, located at under the “Fishing” tab.

Trojan Pond is a 15-acre pond located approximately 4.5 miles southeast of Rainier on the north side of Hwy. 30 at the old Trojan nuclear facility site. The pond is located on the right side of the road as soon as you turn onto the Trojan Access Road.



Jeff Fulop, (971) 673-6034,
Rick Swart, (971) 673-6038,

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