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Fish Restoration and Enhancement Board to meet in Madras

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

SALEM, Ore. — The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Fish Restoration and Enhancement Board will meet on Friday, May 12 in Madras.

The board will meet from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Inn at Cross Keys Station located at 66 NW Cedar Street in Madras to review 13 project proposals. The agenda also includes board updates and planning. The meeting is open to the public, and there will be an opportunity for public comment. Following the meeting the board plans to tour fish passage sites near Madras.

On Saturday, May 13 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., the board will tour fish passage sites in Bend, youth fishing ponds, and Wizard Falls Hatchery. Members of the public may accompany the group during the tour but must provide their own transportation. For additional information on the field trip, contact STEP Program staff at (503) 947-6211.

Reasonable accommodations will be provided as needed for individuals requesting assistive hearing devices, sign language interpreters or large-print materials. Individuals needing these types of accommodations may call the Information and Education Division at 800-720-6339 or 503-947-6002 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.

Created by the Oregon Legislature in 1989, the Fish Restoration and Enhancement Program is funded by a surcharge on sport and commercial fishing licenses and commercial poundage fees. The program’s seven-member citizen board reviews fish restoration and enhancement project proposals and makes funding recommendations to the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission.

For more information on the Fish Restoration and Enhancement Program, or to view information regarding current R and E Program applications, visit or contact program coordinator Kevin Herkamp at (503) 947-6232.



Kevin Herkamp (503) 947-6232

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