Friday, July 28, 2017
SALEM, Ore.—The Fish and Wildlife Commission will meet Friday, Aug. 4 at ODFW Headquarters in Salem, 4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE.
The meeting will also be livestreamed over ODFW’s Twitter and Periscope (@MyODFW) accounts. It begins at 8 a.m. and follows this agenda.
The Commission is expected to adopt 2018 sport fishing regulations. Some of the proposed changes include:
- Allow anglers with a two-rod endorsement to use up to five rods only when ice fishing (statewide).
- Additional spring Chinook opportunity by allowing retention of hatchery spring Chinook from Jan. 1- July 31 in some NW Zone streams including the Wilson, Trask, Nestucca, Kilchis River(s).
- Remove bag and size limit for bass in the lower Deschutes River.
- Change the kokanee bonus daily bag limit in Wickiup Reservoir and Lake Billy Chinook to 5 kokanee per day in addition to the daily trout limit (so anglers can take up to 10 kokanee per day).
The Commission will be briefed on a draft updated Cougar Management Plan though no action on the Plan will be taken until a future meeting. Last updated in 2006, the Plan guides management of cougars in Oregon. The draft updated Plan incorporates new scientific literature and Oregon-specific research about cougars, including a genetics and habitat analysis, but does not propose major management changes. The updated Plan will continue to stress coexistence with Oregon’s more than 6,000 cougars.
The Commission will be asked to approve grant funds for nine Restoration and Enhancement Projects to improve angler access or facilities or enhance fisheries.
Finally, the Commission is expected to appoint a Landowner Representative to the Access and Habitat Board, which provides grants for projects that improve hunter access or wildlife habitat on private land.
Reasonable accommodations will be provided as needed for individuals requesting assistive hearing devices, sign language interpreters or large-print materials. Individuals needing these types of accommodations may call the ODFW Director’s Office at 800-720-6339 or 503-947-6044 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.