July 10, 2018
UPDATE: This training has been cancelled.
SALEM, Ore. – Share your love of fishing with people new to the sport—become a volunteer fishing instructor for ODFW!
ODFW will host a free training for new volunteer fishing instructors on Saturday, July 28 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Glenn Otto Community Park/Sam Cox Building.
Staff from ODFW’s Aquatic and Angling Education Program will be hosting the training, which is open to anyone 18 years or older interested in becoming a volunteer fishing instructor. Saturday’s training will cover elements of the program’s curriculum including basic fishing skills, stewardship, aquatic resources and water safety. Participants also will learn about events and other volunteer opportunities in their area. Lunch will be provided.
Registration is required by July 20. To register contact Janice Copple, 503-947-6019, Janice.b.copple@state.or.us