Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Salem, Ore. – We know tax time isn’t always enjoyable, but making a small donation can make a big difference. When you donate to the Nongame Wildlife Fund on your Oregon state tax form, you help our state’s most vulnerable species through research, habitat improvements and other conservation actions.
Small change can make a big difference!
- Conservation programs are now in place for many sensitive species including Western pond turtle, Townsend’s big-eared bat and Willamette Valley grassland birds.
- Much work is done yearly to improve habitat on private and public lands.
- Bald eagles in Oregon went from 65 breeding pairs documented in 1978 to 570 in 2010 and that number continues to rise.
How to donate:
You need to submit a “Schedule OR-donate” form along with your Oregon State Tax Form 40. The Nongame Wildlife Fund charity code is 19. You’ll be helping support 88 percent of our state’s wildlife that are not hunted, trapped or fished.
Thanks for your support and visit www.oregonconservationstrategy.com to learn more about Oregon’s strategy for protecting and enhancing fish and wildlife.
Contact: |
Davia Palmeri, 503-947-6077
Meghan Dugan, 541-464-2179 |