Friday, March 1, 2019
SALEM, Ore.—Effective Monday, March 4 until Aug. 31, 2019, the following fishing regulation changes are in effect on the Willamette and Clackamas Rivers:
Willamette River:
- Anglers with the two-rod validation may use two rods while fishing for all species (except sturgeon) in all areas of the Willamette River downstream of Willamette Falls. This change also applies in the small area of the Clackamas River from its confluence with the Willamette upstream to the Hwy 99E bridge.
- Youth anglers under 12 may use two rods in this area without purchasing the validation.
- Anglers remain restricted to one rod at all times when fishing for sturgeon.
- A decision on whether to allow two rods upstream of Willamette Falls will be made at a later date.
As a reminder, anglers remain limited to one rod at all times when fishing in the Columbia River.
Clackamas River:
The following regulation changes effective March 4 are due to poor projected returns of broodstock to Clackamas Hatchery.
- From Hwy 99E bridge upstream including Eagle Creek and Estacada Lake, the daily bag limit is 3 hatchery salmon or hatchery steelhead in combination, but no more than 1 may be a Chinook.
- Fishing is restricted to one rod in the Clackamas River upstream of Hwy 99E Bridge.
- Anglers with a valid two-rod validation may continue to use two rods in Estacada Lake.
- The small area of the Clackamas River from its confluence with the Willamette upstream to Hwy 99E bridge will remain managed as part of the Willamette River, with two rods allowed and a bag limit of 2 hatchery salmon or hatchery steelhead in combination from March 4 through Aug. 31.
See the Fishing Report in the Recreation Report for any in-season regulations in your fishing zone and the 2019 Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations for all other fishing regulations and licensing requirements.
Two-rod validations have been available to Oregon anglers for several years. For $24.50, licensed anglers can purchase a validation that allows them to use a second rod in certain locations of the state, primarily ponds and lakes. If you have already purchased a two-rod validation in 2019, it is valid for any waters open to the use of two rods. Kids under the age of 12 do not need a validation to use a second rod in any locations open to two rods.