Thursday, February 18, 2021
THE DALLES, Ore.—ODFW will host an online meeting on Feb. 23 at 6 p.m. to discuss an update to the Lower Deschutes Wildlife Area Management Plan.
The Plan is due for an update after it was first adopted 10 years ago. Since that time, an additional 10,000 acres (the Woosley Tract) have been added to the area. Changes from the original wildlife area plan revolve around upland management associated with the Woosley Tract. See the draft updated management plan on the Visitor Guide page,
Lower Deschutes Wildlife Area is a nearly 18,000-acre wildlife 17 miles east of The Dalles along the lower Deschutes River. It provides habitat for threatened and endangered fish species including salmon and steelhead and a variety of wildlife including bighorn sheep and mule deer. It’s a popular place to fish for salmon, trout and steelhead, hunt and view wildlife as well as for hiking, mountain biking, boating and wildflower viewing.
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