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ODFW seeks applicants for Northeast Regional Council Positions

March 26, 2021

SALEM, Ore. – ODFW is looking for volunteers to serve on the Access & Habitat North East Regional Council.

Applications are being accepted for the position of chairman and landowner representative until April 25, 2021. To apply, complete the Regional Council application found at

Volunteers in these positions meet quarterly to consider funding projects that open private land to hunting access or improve wildlife habitat for game animals.

Applicants for the regional positions should live or work in the Northeast Region of the state that includes Union, Wallowa, Umatilla, Morrow, Gilliam, Wheeler, Grant and Baker counties (see map).

The statewide board and regional councils are each made up of seven volunteers — three landowner representatives, three hunter representatives, and the Chair. Duties of the position including participation in up to four public meetings each year in various communities in their region to review A&H project proposals and conduct other council business. Contact the Regional Council Coordinator for more information.

The A&H Program is funded by a $4 surcharge on hunting licenses and the sale of deer and elk raffle entries and auction tags. The program has opened millions of acres of private land to hunting, find A&H properties available to hunt at



Travis Schultz, 503-947-6087,

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