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ODFW seeks three candidates for the Fish Screening Task Force

May 3, 2021

SALEM, Ore. – ODFW is seeking three candidates for the Fish Screening Task Force—one candidate to represent agricultural interests and two candidates to represent fishing or fish conservation interests.

Applications are due by June 15, 2021. Apply by completing the application form found on the fish screening website, Submit by email to or mail to Katherine Nordholm, ODFW Fish Screening Program, 4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE, Salem, OR 97302.

The ODFW Fish Screening Program helps water users install and maintain fish screens to prevent fish from entering water diversions. The Task Force advises ODFW on program development, implementation, monitoring, technology, funding and reporting. Additionally, over the next couple of years the Task Force will participate in the development of Oregon Administrative Rules for the ODFW Fish Screening Program.

Task Force members represent a variety of groups and interests, which is important in creating a program that's responsive to fish and social needs. Being on the task force is a great opportunity to get directly involved helping make recommendations regarding Fish Screening Program implementation and to learn more about fish screening and passage issues.

The Task Force meets periodically throughout the year virtually and in-person at various locations. Meetings may include a field trip to project sites in the area.

The seven members of the Task Force are appointed by the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission. Three members represent agricultural interests, three members represent fishing or fish conservation interests, and one member represents the public at large. Members serve two-year terms and may be reappointed to serve up to six years.

For questions or additional information regarding the Task Force, please call Katherine Nordholm at (503) 947-6274.



Katherine Nordholm, (503) 507-5843,

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