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Hunters offer $1,000 reward for information on buck deer poached in White River unit

poached buck deer
-Poached buck deer in White River unit-

May 12, 2021

WAMIC, Ore. — Poachers shot a mature buck deer out of season in the White River unit, then left it to waste on or about May 1. The Oregon Hunters Association is offering $1,000 for information that leads to an arrest or citation in the case.

A hiker came across the deer within Mt Hood National Forest on May 1 and reported it to the Turn In Poachers (TIP) Line. OSP Fish and Wildlife Troopers located the buck’s carcass near Bonney Crossing, just off US Forest Service road 2710. The deer was probably shot about 100 yards from where troopers found it.

Based on the condition of the carcass, the deer was killed on April 30 or May 1. The meat was unsalvageable. Leaving an animal to waste is an additional illegal charge in poaching cases.

OSP Fish and Wildlife Sergeant Andrew Vanderwerf is disappointed at this turn of events.

“When a person shoots an animal out of season, it takes that future opportunity away from the true sportsman who buys the proper license and tag for a chance to harvest a deer during the authorized hunting seasons,” he said.

OHA State Committee Chair, Fred Walasavage, pushed to double the reward from the standard $500 up to $1,000, as an incentive to head off possible future incidents like this.

“We need to get ahead of this poaching problem,” he said. “OHA will stop at nothing to protect Oregon wildlife.”

In 2020, OHA awarded more than $20,000 to people who reported to the TIP Line. As an alternative to a cash reward, ODFW offers four hunter preference points for information leading to an arrest or citation in this case.  Stop Poaching campaign coordinator Yvonne Shaw reminds people to be aware of their surroundings.

“When you are out and about in Oregon, please take a moment to call in suspicious activity,” she said, “Oregon’s natural resources belong to all of us. This case is a blatant disregard for Oregon laws, and the future of our wildlife resources.”

Anyone with information regarding this case is urged to contact OSP Turn In Poachers (TIP) hotline at 1-800-452-7888 or *OSP (mobile).

The Stop Poaching Campaign educates the public on how to recognize and report poaching. This campaign is a collaboration among hunters, conservationists, land owners and recreationists. Our goal is to increase reporting of wildlife crimes through the TIP Line, increase detection by increasing the number of OSP Fish and Wildlife Troopers and increase prosecution. Oregon Hunters Association manages the TIP reward fund. This campaign helps to protect and enhance Oregon’s fish and wildlife and their habitat for the enjoyment of present and future generations. Contact campaign coordinator Yvonne Shaw for more information.


Contact: Media Inquiries:

To report a tip: contact OSP Senior Trooper Brent Ocheskey through the Turn in Poachers (TIP) hotline at 1-800-452-7888 or *OSP (mobile).
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