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June 21 online meeting on second round of CARES Act funding
$13 million for marine and coastal fishery businesses impacted by COVID-19

June 15, 2021

SALEM, Ore.—ODFW will host an online meeting Monday, June 21 from 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. to discuss the second round of CARES Act fisheries relief funding.  Marine and coastal fishery businesses who have experienced economic impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic are encouraged to join the meeting to learn more and provide input as the round two spend plan is developed.

Join the ODFW CARES Act meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone:
Meeting ID: 160 826 9328

You can also dial in by phone: 1-669-254-5252 or 1-669-216-1590 or 1-551-285-1373 or 1-646-828-7666 and enter Webinar ID: 160 826 9328 when prompted. For International numbers visit:

The second round process will build upon successful aspects of round one funding that was completed in January 2021, with adjustments to address identified gaps and difficulties.  After an overview of the CARES Act and Oregon’s draft approach, participants will have an opportunity to provide feedback and ask questions. Comments on the plan can also be sent to

About $13 million is available for Oregon’s marine and coastal fishery sectors experiencing significant economic impacts from the global COVID-19 pandemic. The relief aid slated for Oregon is part of $255 million in fisheries assistance funding from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act). ODFW is the lead State agency working with fishery participants to coordinate aid.

Fishery participants potentially eligible for funding from the CARES Act include Oregon-based commercial fishing and processing businesses, charter/for-hire fishing businesses, qualified aquaculture operations, and gear and bait retailers if that is their business’ primary source of revenue.

Oregon’s round two process will include measures for fishing businesses home-based in Oregon but operating in out-of-state fisheries.  Per federal guidelines, eligibility does not include businesses farther down the supply chain (including vessel repair businesses, restaurants, or seafood retailers), though these businesses may be eligible for other CARES Act aid programs.

CARES Act relief funds are specifically targeted at marine fisheries and fisheries for anadromous species; effects in freshwater fisheries for non-anadromous species are not included.

Once completed, ODFW will submit the spend plan to NOAA Fisheries for approval. The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission will manage the application process and distribute funds. 

“We encourage marine and coastal related fishery businesses who want to learn more to join this meeting,” said Chris Kern, ODFW Deputy Fish Division Administrator. “In order to get the funds distributed quickly, we want to submit our final spend plan for approval as soon as possible. Your feedback is needed to make sure we do the best we can for these businesses, which are a vital part of Oregon’s economy, culture and community.”

Interested parties are encouraged to sign up to receive email updates on CARES Act funding at


John Seabourne, (503) 947-6207

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