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ignoreHyatt Lake

Before and after images of a project at Baker Creek near Powers, Ore. The project was completed with Fish Passage Conservation Funds received through the Culvert Repair Programmatic Agreement with the Oregon Department of Transportation. Baker Creek is a tributary to the South Fork Coquille River and is identified as a "Key Watershed" under the Northwest Forest Plan. The project removed a 12 foot diameter culvert that was significantly perched about 400 feet up from the confluence of the South Fork Coquille River. Baker Creek provides much needed cold water refugia in the summer for juvenile native fish and provides quality salmonid over wintering habitat for Chinook, coho, winter steelhead, Pacific lamprey and resident and sea-run cutthroat trout. Project completed on Weyerhaeuser land by the Coquille Watershed Council. (Click images to enlarge)

Hyatt Lake

ODFW Fish Passage Compensation Fund seeks RFPs for fish passage projects – Deadline Aug. 6

July 6, 2021

SALEM, Ore.— ODFW is seeking additional RFPs for high priority fish passage projects that need more implementation funding. The deadline for RFP submission is Aug. 6, 2021.

ODFW entered into a cooperative Culvert Repair Agreement with the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT). Under this agreement, $2.5 million was made available to implement high priority fish passage projects throughout Oregon, some of which was awarded under a 2018 and 2019 RFP (request for proposal).

For a project to be eligible, the following criteria should be met:

  • Must be a high priority fish passage project
  • Signed landowner agreement required prior to approval
  • Projects associated with mitigation requirements will not be accepted
  • ODOT projects will not be accepted
  • Projects will need to identify how passage will be maintained to design specifications after implementation.

Funds are focused on projects that:

  • Support projects described in a Conservation and Recovery Plan
  • Are listed on the ODFW Statewide Fish Passage Priority List:
  • Have secured match funds from other sources, including the owner/operator
  • Benefit ESA and State Sensitive listed species
  • Provide access or improved access to high quality habitat
  • Provide access or improved access to a large quantity of habitat
  • Provide a timeline, including permit acquisition that ensures project implementation by Dec. 31, 2023

These funds are intended for the implementation of restoration projects. Funds will not be awarded for project development or design projects.

To submit a project for consideration, please fill out this application form: ODOT Fund RFP Application.docx. Please include the Statewide Fish Passage Priority List ranking, barrier type, budget information, photos, and maps in the application.

Applications can be submitted to Pete Baki, ODFW/ODOT Fish Passage Liaison, 4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE, Salem, OR 97302 or via email to



Pete Baki, 503-586-9827,

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