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Youngs River Basin closes to Chinook harvest Aug. 16-Oct. 15 to protect returning broodstock

August 10, 2021

CLACKAMAS, Ore. – The Youngs River and its tributaries will close to retention of all Chinook salmon effective Aug. 16 through Oct 15. 

Fish biologists are implementing the closure on this tributary of the Columbia River to help maximize returns of Chinook broodstock destined for the basin’s hatcheries.

The areas covered by this closure include:

  • Youngs Bay/River from the deadline marker at Battle Creek Slough upstream to Young River Falls, and,
  • Klaskanine River from its confluence with Youngs River upstream to the Youngs River Loop Bridge (Tidewater Bridge).

The Klaskanine drainage upstream of the Youngs River Loop Bridge is already closed to salmon and steelhead angling from Aug. 16 to Oct. 15 under permanent rule.

According to John North, ODFW Columbia River fisheries manager, projected returns of Chinook (both Select Area Bright and tule stock) are less than broodstock needs. “Based on the poor projected returns of Chinook to Youngs Bay, we felt this action was needed to help maximize hatchery escapement this year,” he said.

For the latest regulations in your angling zone visit


Contact: John North (971) 673-6029,
Michelle Dennehy (503) 931-2748,
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