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Commission determines agencies involved in marbled murrelet conservation

November 4, 2021

SALEM, Ore.—The Fish and Wildlife Commission today determined land-owning or land-managing state agencies that may have a role in the conservation of marbled murrelet, a species that was recently reclassified from threatened to endangered under the Oregon Endangered Species Act (OESA).

Species listed as endangered require endangered species management plans when they are found on state lands.

ODFW, Oregon Department of Forestry, Oregon Parks and Recreation, Oregon Department of State Lands, Oregon Department of Transportation, Oregon Military Department, Oregon Department of Corrections, Oregon Department of Aviation, Oregon Youth Authority and the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board could all play a role in conservation as marbled murrelets, or their forest habitat, may be found on their land.

With Commission approval of the list, ODFW will work with designated agencies as they determine the role their land shall serve in the conservation of marbled murrelet. ODFW and other agencies will be required to develop management plans for their lands as required by OESA. These state land-owning/managing agencies must submit their plans for Commission consideration within 18 months of the July 15, 2021 listing decision.

In the meantime, OESA also requires that all state agencies must follow survival guidelines, which were adopted by the Commission in July 2021. These serve as interim protection measures until formal management plans are approved by the Commission by June 2023.



Michelle Dennehy, (503) 931-2748,

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