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States adopt three sturgeon retention days in September below Bonneville

August 18, 2022

CLACKAMAS, Ore.--Fishery managers adopted three retention days for white sturgeon in the mainstem Columbia River between the Wauna powerlines (about river mile 50) and Bonneville Dam during a hearing today.

Season: Saturday, Sept. 10, Wednesday Sept. 14, and Saturday, Sept. 17

Area: Mainstem Columbia River from the Wauna powerlines upstream to Bonneville Dam

Bag limit: One white sturgeon per day (two per year)

Legal size: 44-inch minimum and 50-inch maximum fork length (fork length is measured in a straight line from the tip of the nose to the fork in the caudal fin (tail) with the fish laying on its side on a flat surface, with the tape measure/ruler positioned flat under the fish)

"These sturgeon retention days should provide some good early fall angling opportunity," said Tucker Jones, ODFW's Ocean Salmon and Columbia River Program Manager. "If the catch guideline isn't reached, more days could also be added on a Wednesday/Saturday rotation as the staggered season days allow us time to update catches."

Anglers are reminded to check regulations before fishing in case an early closure is necessary. Visit the Recreation Report / Fishing Report for the Columbia Zone and then click on the Regulation Updates tab for this information



Jeff Whisler, (971) 673-6024
Michelle Dennehy, (503) 947-6022

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