February 17, 2023
SALEM, Ore.—The Commission met Thursday and Friday, Feb. 16-17 in Portland. On Thursday, the Commission attended a workshop, Water for Fish and Wildlife, and hosted a meet and greet at the Pacific NW Sportsmen's Show at the Portland Expo Center. The workshop was streamed live on YouTube and a recording can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/@MyODFW/streams.
The Commission today heard from staff about migratory bird conservation under a changing climate and received an update on the recently introduced Governor's Recommended Budget for ODFW.
Also today, the Commission adopted rules to allow the department to approve a permit for stocking of grass carp into Devils Lake subject to terms and conditions determined by the department. Devils Lake is experiencing moderate to severe growth of invasive aquatic weeds. ODFW staff recommended approving biological control with sterile grass carp as an appropriate tool to aid in invasive aquatic weed control with minimal risk to native species.
In other business, the Commission reappointed Curt Melcher as the director of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife for a term of four years.
The meeting was streamed live and a recording is available at ODFW's website, https://www.dfw.state.or.us/agency/commission/minutes/.
The Commission's next meeting is scheduled for March 17 in Salem.
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