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ODFW to host family fishing event at Vernonia Lake May 6

May 1, 2023

TILLAMOOK, Ore. — The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife invites new anglers to take part in a family fishing event Saturday, May 6 at Vernonia Lake from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

ODFW will provide equipment including rods, reels and bait during the event if needed. Angling education instructors and volunteers will be available to answer questions and offer assistance to less experienced anglers. Registration is not required. Approximately 5,500 trout will be stocked prior to the event to help make it a successful experience.

Anglers age 11 and under can fish for free, while those 12-17 will require a youth license, available for $10 at ODFW's website ( and license agents. Adult anglers will need a regular fishing license. Licenses will not be sold on-site the day of the event, so people planning to participate should get their licenses ahead of time. All fishing regulations continue to apply during the event.

Vernonia Lake is a 42-acre former mill pond located in the city of Vernonia. From Hwy 26 west of Portland, take Hwy 47 north to Vernonia. Follow the highway through town to Vernonia Lake City Park. 

For a list of other family fishing events visit



Ron Rehn, (503) 842-2741

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