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Portion of McKenzie River closes to salmon angling July 15-Dec. 31

July 7, 2023

SPRINGFIELD, Ore.—Due to concerns about protecting wild Chinook salmon that are holding in the McKenzie River near Leaburg Dam and meeting broodstock needs for hatchery production, a portion of the McKenzie River will close to salmon angling effective July 15

The closure will be in effect from July 15-Dec. 31 in the mainstem McKenzie River from Leaburg Dam downstream approximately one mile to the mouth of Trout Creek.

Angling effort on a small run of wild Chinook is high this year because few hatchery Chinook are returning to the McKenzie River basin. The shortage of hatchery Chinook is attributed to poor survival of juvenile fish that were released at a small size from the Leaburg Hatchery during the Holiday Farm Fire in 2020. In addition, returning wild and hatchery Chinook were subjected to poor ocean conditions that further compromised survival.

Low numbers of hatchery adult Chinook returning to the hatchery for collection could result in not having enough broodstock on hand to spawn for future juvenile smolt releases, or to meet obligations to release adults into reintroduction areas in the upper McKenzie Basin

All other permanent regulations remain in effect on the McKenzie River. Remember to check for any in-season regulation changes before fishing by visiting the Recreation Report / Fishing Report for the Zone where you are fishing and clicking Regulation Updates.


The 2020 Holiday Farm fire that damaged Leaburg Hatchery forced the early release of Chinook salmon smolts at a small size, which reduced their survival rates. Those fish are returning this year, and very few adult hatchery Chinook are returning to the McKenzie River basin.



Jeff Ziller, (541) 954-0796,
Michelle Dennehy, (503) 931-2748,

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