March 26, 2024
SALEM, Ore.— A public meeting will be hosted by ODFW on Thursday, April 4 as the agency begins development of its 2025-27 Agency Request Budget.
In Oregon, state agency budgets are developed every two years. The two-year budget period begins on July 1 of odd-numbered years and concludes on June 30 of the next odd-numbered year. State agencies submit their budget requests to the Governor who creates a Recommended Budget for consideration by the Oregon legislature.
Anyone interested in hearing more about ODFW's 2025-27 budget development efforts is invited to attend this meeting.
The meeting will be in person from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. at ODFW Headquarters, 4034 Fairview Industrial Dr SE, Salem. The meeting will also be livestreamed on YouTube and recorded. A link to the livestream will be available on the ODFW Budget webpage shortly before the meeting begins.
Virtual participants can submit questions and comments through a form found on the ODFW Budget webpage. Submissions will be monitored and questions responded to as time allows during the meeting.
The meeting presentation and a recording will be posted online after the meeting.