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Harvest razors now during a five-day low tide series before Clatsop beaches close for conservation July 15

July 5, 2024

ASTORIA, Ore – A low tide series runs through July 10 on the north coast, giving clammers a last chance to harvest razor clams before the annual conservation closure begins at 12:01 a.m. July 15 on Clatsop beaches.

ODFW encourages visitors to take advantage of the low tides to harvest razor clams now while they can. Since 1967, Clatsop beaches close each year July 15-Sept. 30 for conservation. This lets young clams settle on thevbeaches to provide future harvest opportunities.

As of July 5, razor clamming is open from the Washington border to Yachats and from Coos Bay north jetty to the California border. It is closed from Yachats to Coos Bay north jetty for elevated biotoxins. Biotoxin levels can change rapidly so always call the ODA Shellfish Safety Hotline at 800-448-2474 before clamming.

Know before you go:

  • Call the Shellfish Safety Hotline at 800-448-2474 before heading out to harvest shellfish.
  • You must have a shellfishing license.
  • Daily limit: first 15 clams dug, regardless of size or condition.
  • Each digger must have their own container, dig their own clams, and can only have one limit in possession while in the clam digging area (see exception under an Oregon Disabilities Hunting and Fishing Permit.)

Clam diggers can check Clatsop tide charts and go to ODFW's clamming page for more information on razor clamming. View ODFWs video on how to razor clam.

Contact ODFW for recreational license requirements, permits, rules, and limits.


Contact: Meghan Dugan, 541-315-6629, meghan.c.dugan@odfw.oregon.gov
Matt Hunter, 971-606-0428, matthew.v.hunter@odfw.oregon.gov
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07/05/2024 9:38 AM:18 AM:19 PM    
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