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Mussel harvest now open on north coast

July 12, 2024

SALEM, Ore – Mussel harvest is now open from the Washington border to Cape Lookout, the Oregon Department of Agriculture and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife announced today. Two consecutive tests showed biotoxin levels below the closure limit in this area.

People should always call the Shellfish Safety Hotline (1-800-448-2474) before heading out to harvest shellfish or visit the ODA Recreational Shellfish Biotoxin Closures Webpage.

Mussel harvest remains closed from Cape Lookout to the Coos Bay north jetty for high levels of the marine biotoxin paralytic shellfish poison (PSP). Razor clamming remains closed from Yachats to Coos Bay for high levels of PSP and domoic acid.

Current harvest closures and openings:

Razor clams:

Open from Washington border to Yachats River.

Note: Clatsop beaches close 12:01 a.m. July 15 for conservation.

Closed from Yachats River to Coos Bay north jetty.
Open from Coos Bay north jetty to California border.

Bay clams:

Open coastwide.


Open from Washington border to Cape Lookout.
Closed from Cape Lookout to the Coos Bay north jetty.
Open from the Coos Bay south jetty to the California border.


Open coastwide.

ODA will continue testing for shellfish toxins at least twice per month, as tides and weather permit. Reopening an area closed for biotoxins requires two consecutive tests with results below the closure limit. 

For more information call ODA's shellfish biotoxin hotline at (800) 448-2474, the ODA Food Safety Program at 503- 986-4720, or visit the ODA Recreational Shellfish Biotoxin Closures Webpage.

Contact ODFW for recreational license requirements, permits, rules, and limits.


Contact: ODA Shellfish Desk, 503-986-4726
Meghan Dugan, ODFW 541-315-6629
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07/12/2024 4:15 PM:18 AM:19 PM    
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