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Northeast Oregon A&H access areas closed due to extreme fire danger

July 23, 2024 

LA GRANDE, Ore.—With the Northwest Fire Preparedness Level already at 5 and potential for new large fires due to dry fuels and predicted unstable atmosphere over northeast Oregon, A&H Access Areas in the region are closing to all access.  

The access areas closing are: M.R King Ranches, Troy Ranches, Iron Mountain, Virtue Flat, Foster Ranch, Glass Hill, Owsley Canyon, Bear Creek, Carman Ranch, Harshfield Ranch, Divide Ridge, Heppner Regulated Hunt Area, Social Ridge, Four Mile, Bunker Hill, in addition to Manulife’s closure.  

Additionally, the Upland Cooperative Access Program (UCAP) lands that allow year-round Welcome to Hunt access are closed to access.

Hunters, anglers and others who use A&H properties can find more information and links to where to check for other private land forest closures at https://myodfw.com/articles/hunting-and-fire-danger-oregon 

Areas will reopen once predicted fire danger and fire behavior is reduced and fire resources are again available. ODFW will announce when areas have reopened to access.  

While it’s still far too early to tell how this year’s wildfires will impact hunting seasons, hunters should be aware of ODFW policies on reinstating preference points, a decision that is made after a hunting season ends.  

“We encourage all hunters to be certain they have a valid email address in our licensing system,” said ODFW’s Wildlife Division Deputy Administrator Brian Wolfer. “We use email to contact hunters when tag refunds or preference point reinstatements are offered due to rare instances of fire-related access closures preventing access during the entire hunt period.”  

A Fire Preparedness Level of 5 means resources are heavily committed to fires and low activity geographic areas are reaching drawdown levels, so emergency measures are required to maintain fire operations.

Contact the Heppner Office at 541-676-5230 with any questions on UCAP closures. Contract the La Grande office at 541-962-1838 or the A&H coordinator at 503-947-6087 with any questions on the A&H closures.


Contact: Michelle Dennehy, (503) 947-6022, Michelle.N.Dennehy@odfw.oregon.gov
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08/07/2024 2:32 PM:18 AM:19 PM    
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